As with any emergency situation it is important to follow the proper guidelines for emergency scene management. This first aid how-to video will show you what you need to know to be ready for an emerg ...
Dressings and bandages are the basic tools of first aid. The type of dressing and bandages as well as the techniques for applying them will vary. But with the help of this first aid how to video, you ...
Accidents happen at work. When there is a minor wound victim, take charge and help support the injured person. This first aid how-to video shows you how to treat work related minor wounds. These first ...
Accidents happen at work. When a burn occurs the first priority is to stop the burning. This first aid how-to video shows you how to treat someone who has been burned at work. These first aid tips for ...
An emergency situation at work is about to occur, are you prepared? This first aid how-to video demonstrates what to do in case someone is severely bleeding. Begin by assessing hazards and making the ...
Accidents happen at work. This first aid how-to video demonstrates how to access and treat a work related arm laceration. These first aid tips on treating arm lacerations are sure to keep your workers ...
Burns are an injury to the body that can range from a sunburn to severe tissue damage. Burns are classified by the tissue and surface area affected. This first aid how-to video will show you how to tr ...
Many injuries do not require an ambulance, but they must be referred to medical aid for further treatment. This first aid how-to video will show you how to identify wounds that require further treatme ...
Sometimes the difference between a sprain and a fracture can only be identified with an x-ray. However with the help of this first aid how-to video you will learn to properly treat a sprain. Complete ...
Accidents happen at work. This first aid how-to video demonstrates how to access and treat a nose bleed after a work related accident. Start by establishing what happened and making sure the patient c ...