Kids say the darndest things. They also eat the darndest things - from toys to pet food to grass, growing kids want to try it all. But stuffing so much stuff into their mouths can be very unsafe. If y ...
In this video clip series, our expert will demonstrate several first aid techniques that can easily be done to treat minor injuries and basic situations that you might find yourself afflicted with. Be ...
In this series of online videos you'll learn how to pick a first aid kit for your home. Dr. Susan Jewell shows you what medical supplies should always be in your home first aid kit, including bandages ...
If you've just been shot but can't be bothered with a trip to the hospital you may want to know how to remove a bullet yourself. Learn how to remove the bullet as well as clean and cauterize, and band ...
Only perform carries if you have ruled out neck and spine injuries.There are many types of carries: pack strap,and direct ground lift, ...
In this video you will be shown how to clear a conscious infants foreign object in the airway.You need to recognize choking, perform 5 back blows and 5 chest thrusts. Repeat this procedure until objec ...
For a complete obstruction the abdominal thrust can be used.For infants it is more difficult, place the infant completely over one of your arms face down.Next give five blows between the shoulder blad ...
Ask the conscious adult if they can talk, if not step behind them. Position one fist just below their ribs and begin the abdominal thrusts. ...
If the patient has no neck or spine injury and is again breathing on their own. You now move the patient to the recovery position. Move the patients left arm over their head and cross their legs, pull ...