How to Deal with an attack of Hypoglycemia "Low Blood Glucose"
What is Hypoglycema?
It's a medical term meaning decreased level of blood glucose. This condition induce serious effects on the body that may be fatal in some cases if not properly treated.
WHY Hypoglycemia is a very serious medical condition?
- Glucose is the main fuel that is used by the body for generation of energy!. Low level of that fuel affects the functions of various organs in body. [There are other sources of energy that can be used by the body e.g. body fat].
- Times Equals Brain!;..... Unlike other body tissues, the brain is dependent only on glucose to generate energy to maintain its function. This dependence means that once the blood glucose become very low, the brain fails to function properly.
- Heart will suffer too!; Heart also depend on glucose to generate the electrical energy that make it to contract.
Tips; How the body respond to hypoglycemia
- Low Blood glucose stimulate the adrenal gland to secret both; adrenaline and cortisone to elevate level of blood glucose
- Adrenaline.... leads to narrowing of peripheral blood vessels! why?.... This action narrow the blood vessels that supply non vital organs like skin and fat tissue [That explains why the skin of hypoglycemic patient become cold]. Also it widen the blood vessels supplying vital organs like heart and brain to reduce the possibility of damage that may occurs to them
- Sympathetic system powers up to 100%... This occurs because of high levels of Adrenaline, this leads to hyper-function of brain, heart and muscle [it explains the cause of anxiety, nervousness, increased heart rate, tremors and even attacks of convulsion or seizures]
- Cortisone stimulate the liver to build up glucose from proteins and fat.
- There are other body hormone that share in body response against hypoglycemia e.g. thyroxine [Hormone released from thyroid hormone].
Warning Signs of Hypoglycema
- The person start to feel Headache and anxiety then after short period he become drowsywith inability to speak normally
- Sweating, increased heart rate and hypertension.
- Tremors start to appear in muscle of the hand and mouth.
- Person start to lose his consciousness
- convulsion may occur in some cases
- finally...... Coma! then death within the next 5 minutes!.




Increased heart rate


Lost consciousness




Increased heart rate


Lost consciousness
What to do if you see someone with the symptoms of hypoglycemia?
You must know that time is very precious to that patient.
Don't Wait until 991 comes. Just help the patient until they come!
You need to know that 5 minutes of hypoglycemia is enough to damage the brain of anyone!.
You Must React Fast and in an Appropriate way. The way of approach depends on the patient conscious level....
Don't forget to call 911!
If the Patient is drowsy and can drink: make him to drink sweetened juice or eat some candies.
If the patient lost his consciousness and can't drink: just open his mouth and put some sugar below his tongue ...... Remember.... [Never to force him to eat the sugar... as sugar may enter inside his lungs leading to lung damage that may limit the capability of the physician to save the patient]
YOU MUST Know that; your job is to give him sugar until Help come!
The Video Below show a brief summary of normal body reactions with glucose
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