How To: Help Haiti

Help Haiti

How To Help Haiti

Generally, we're not much for current events-slanted issues of Wonderment, but the hottest topic in HowTo deserves far more than our humble attention. 

The answer for how to help Haiti is not simple. However, the way we can begin to help those on the ground in Haiti doing the heavy lifting is easy. Money. 

Navigating the dozens of organizations and celebrities ready to take your charity can prove difficult.  The lone organization best equipped to help Haiti is Partners in Health

Partners in Health is an exceptional organization. With 10 hospitals and deep roots in Haiti, Boston-based Partners In Health has became one of the pillars of the worldwide response. Unlike most of the 10,000 NGOs operating in Haiti before the quake, PIH was working with the people and government of Haiti. 

We've elected to donate not only our own money, but will be running ads for PiH throughout the next several months to encourage our community to join in.

How To Help Haiti

Since Jan 12, PIH has been the leader in operating the few hospitals and field clinics remaining in the Port-au-Prince area. Their hope is not simply to aid in the immediate disaster, but to "strengthen public health infrastructure in the months and years to come". 

Not only does Partners in Health lead on the ground, but their accounting practices are impeccable.  PIH finances disclose less than 3% of contributions go to admin costs. PIH also boasts the highest ranking of four stars according to Charity Navigator. 

Please, Click Here To Donate Now.


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Excellent choice. I donated to Partners in Health last week.

PIH is also run by about 80% Haitians. Working with a country rather than for a country is far more beneficial.

forgot to mention, you can deduct donations made before march 2010 from your 2009 taxes according to consumer reports:, if you need more reason to donate!

just read Fareed Zakaria's book suggestion, Mountains Beyond Mountains, it's about PIH, worth reading.

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