Even those with hearing impairments need to know basic first aid procedures, because everyone, including deaf people, can save a life one day. People may collapse unexpectedly for a number of reasons, and people who faint periodically, or those who suffer frequent seizures or from epilepsy need help from others, so it's important that everyone know the proper first aid procedure for saving a collapsed victim casualty.
For adults:
To check if the person is conscious, try to get a response by gently tapping their shoulders and calling their name. If there is no response:
1. Open the airway by placing one hand on their forehead and gently tilting the head back and lifting the chin. Remove any visible obstructions from the mouth and nose.
2. Check breathing by looking, listening and feeling for breathing on your cheek for up to ten seconds. If they are not breathing normally, resuscitate. If they are breathing, treat any life-threatening injuries and put them in the recovery position.
Recovery position:
If the casualty is unconscious but breathing, place them on their side in the recovery position.
1. Place arm nearest you at a right angle.
2. Move the other arm, as shown, with the back of their hand against their cheek. Then get hold of the knee furthest from you and pull up until foot is flat on the floor.
3. Pull the knee towards you, keeping the person's hand pressed against their cheek, and position the leg at a right angle.
4. Make sure that the airway remains open by tilting the head back and lifting the chin. Check breathing.
5. Monitor the casualty's condition until help arrives.
For written instructions on children and babies, click here.
The British Red Cross designed these first aid videos to help everyone in being prepared and ready to respond to emergencies that may come their way.
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