First Aid Features

How To: Help someone who is choking

Choking is the mechanical (either by foreign object or compression) obstruction of outside air flowing into the lungs. Learn about choking, including emergency treatments like CPR, in this medical how-to video. Remaining calm and performing one of the procedures below could help someone who is choking.

How To: Perform CPR on a person

If you came upon an emergency situation would you know what to do? First aid CPR techniques can come in handy at any time. Watch this first-aid how to video to learn how to perform CPR on an adult when you don't have any help.

How To: Treat spider bites

Spider bites can range from harmless to fatal, spiders themselves coming in many varieties. you're bitten by a spider, you should wash that area carefully with soap and water and do this several times per day until the skin is healed. You can also apply an ice pack wrapped in cloth or a cold wet wash cloth to the area that has been bitten. Learn more about spider bites in this medical how-to video.

How To: Clear an infant's airway with CPR

In this video you will be shown how to clear a conscious infants foreign object in the airway.You need to recognize choking, perform 5 back blows and 5 chest thrusts. Repeat this procedure until object is expelled or infant becomes unconscious. Clear an infant's airway with CPR.

How To: Treat work related burns

Burns are an injury to the body that can range from a sunburn to severe tissue damage. Burns are classified by the tissue and surface area affected. This first aid how-to video will show you how to treat a person who has been injured at work. Watch to learn great first aid tips that will keep your workers happy and healthy.

How To: Treat poison ivy

Poison ivy and its nasty cousins, poison sumac and poison oak strike year round. Poison ivy is found as a vine, it has 3 leaves and can have berries. The poison is called urushiol. If exposed, wash with hot soapy water immediately. Mild reactions can be treated with antihistamines and hydrocortisone cream for itching. Serious reactions need medical attention immediately. Treat poison ivy.

How To: Treat first and second degree burns properly

Knowing how to determine the degree of the burn is the first step to knowing how to offer the right first aid. Burns! They’re a fact of life, and one of the most common accidents around the house. But how you treat them depends upon how seriously the skin is damaged. Treat first and second degree burns properly.

How To: Perform CPR on a baby

Learn live saving techniques by watching this how to video. This video teaches you how to use a pocket mask and perform CPR on a baby. Because babies are much smaller than adults it is important to follow specific guidelines to save their lives.

How To: Stop someone from bleeding

This video demonstrates first aid for serious bleeding. Lay the injured person down with head slightly lower than the trunk or elevate wound above the level of the heart. Apply pressure, after bleeding stops, wrap tight with sterile gauze bandage. Get medical help for the victim. Good video for camping or just good knowledge for home. Stop someone from bleeding.

News: Save a severely mangled limb Army style

Gun shots, dog mauling, compound fractures, partially severed limbs... Sometimes direct pressure isn't enough to cut the blood loss. This U.S. Army field instructional is a fascinating and thorough medic's walkthrough. Learn exactly how to apply a lifesaving tourniquet to an injured limb. No first aid poster can compete with the unmistakable deadpan of a military issue instructional. Only the American Army could deliver such eyewitness first aid advice. Bookmark this. If you're ever stuck bet...

How To: Treat and access a work related sprain

Sometimes the difference between a sprain and a fracture can only be identified with an x-ray. However with the help of this first aid how-to video you will learn to properly treat a sprain. Complete a modified primary survey of the work related accident, access the limb that was injured, and apply ice. These first aid tips will help your workers stay healthy.

How To: Manage a fever in children with Dr. Bill Gray

In this tutorial, we learn how to manage a fever in children. When your child has a fever, this means their body is fighting an infection. The fever will vary depending on what it is, but it will usually peak at 106 degrees. Don't bring the fever down with Tylenol, because it could make the cold last for a longer amount of time. This can be a greater threat to health than the illness was in the first place. If the child starts to get a higher fever, this is a good sign that the body is killin...

How To: Access and treat a nose bleed at work

Accidents happen at work. This first aid how-to video demonstrates how to access and treat a nose bleed after a work related accident. Start by establishing what happened and making sure the patient can breathe properly. Inspect the area and apply an ice pack. These first aid tips are sure to keep your workers happy and healthy.

How To: Use a CPR Ezy in case of a heart attack

The aim of CPR is to preserve life by maintaining an adequate supply of oxygen to the heart and brain. Effective CPR prolongs a person's chance of survival until either a defibrillator arrives and can be used to shock the heart back into its normal rhythm or advanced professional life support is available. This how-to video shows you how to use a portable CPR Ezy when someone you know is suffering from a heart attack. This medical device helps you perform CPR on a victim in a constant rhythm.

How To: Make a first aid kit

In this series of online videos you'll learn how to pick a first aid kit for your home. Dr. Susan Jewell shows you what medical supplies should always be in your home first aid kit, including bandages, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, scissors, tape, gauze, cotton balls, ear & eye drops, a thermometer, splint bandages, medicines and more. Whether you're shopping for a new first aid kit, restocking, or building one from scratch, the tips in these videos will help ensure you're prepared for any mino...

How To: Increase your burn awareness and treat burns properly

Did you know that over a million people a year suffer from the effect of burns and over 1/3 of them wind up in the emergency room? If you have a burn of any kind, check out this clip. Dr. Savant will teach you exactly how to deal with burns of all degrees, from slight surface burns to deeper, higher degree singes. So, check out this clip and prepare, just in case!

How To: Stop shoulder, neck and back tension from computer use

In this video, a doctor gives you great information on how to relieve shoulder, neck, and back pain from prolonged computer use. It's great advice for those of us who work at computers more than a few hours a day. The best way to improve tension is to fix your posture first, and make sure the screen is not too close to your eyes. Stop shoulder, neck and back tension from computer use.

How To: Place a patient in the recovery position

If the patient has no neck or spine injury and is again breathing on their own. You now move the patient to the recovery position. Move the patients left arm over their head and cross their legs, pull their body on their side and allow them to recover on their own. Place a patient in the recovery position.